Liza Sullivan Yoga

LizaYoga - Yoga Nidra Sessions

Welcome to Liza Yoga. This website is the bright outpouring of yoga inspiration created by Liza Sullivan. Liza has taught yoga classes for over 20 years. She is certified at 500 hours and is a member in good standing with the Yoga Alliance.

This is a new website under construction, so please be patient with its unfolding.

Liza has recorded a Yoga Nidra that you can listen to here: Liza's Yoga Nidra from 2020.

The Yoga Nidra in this reading comes from:

Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India, 1998.

Other Yoga Nidras You May Enjoy

Over the years, Liza has conducted a number of Yoga Nidra classes. The following recordings were made on the dates noted. There's more to come.